
Showing posts from March, 2004

From Texas to Mordor in 24 hours (or shut-up and drive stupid)

3/25/2004 1:00 AM Tuesday at 5:20 AM I left the Lone Worm Ranch and headed for Mordor, I mean Los Angeles. I made this comparison after a few hours of being inside the city limits of this big bad motor city. Going from the almost idealistic world living on a ranch in the middle of Texas and then driving all day and night to end up in a swirling mass of human flesh, concrete, steel and manicured landscaping was an experience that I look forward to reversing.

Austin Friends and places

There is too much fun stuff to do in Austin. This weekend is my last one that I will spend in Texas for a while. I enjoyed spending some time this weekend with a three friends that I have had the pleasure to meet in the short time that I have lived here. I also wanted to visit a few of my favorite spots before I left.

Feeding Cattle with Cliff

Feeding cattle for the first time using the bales of hay in Cliff's barn was fun. Cliff has square bales of hay in his barn and big round bales out in the corral in the field. When the cattle heard the tractor fire up they thought Cliff was going to go out, get a big round bale out of the corral, and feed them. All of the cattle and 7 calfs came to the fence and started mooing for hay. Cliff said that he was thinking about feeding them and I offered to help. Throwing hay to cows is a simple task, but it was the first time that I had a chance to feed cows especially the one that Cliff gave me. I also got to see the calf that she had up close. All the little calves are so cute and they run around the older cattle in a frisky manner.

Working on a John Deere 530 with Cliff

Today I took my uncle Cliff to the doctor for a check-up. I drove him in my farm rat maroon Toyota Camry. We drove the eighteen miles to La Grange listening to country music and talking about life, health, and cattle.

Web Development

PhotoShop and CSS how can I live without them! Well the development site is taking shape. I'm finally getting a chance to do some creative work on the banners. I'm also working on a ranch web site for the Martin's. I had fun putting a horse's head in a banner. This site is being done in CSS with out the use of tables.