
Labor Day barbecue

This is going to be a running account of my barbecue experience right now it's 10:34 a.m. in the morning and I just starting to put the rub on the four slabs of ribs. These are pork spare ribs that I got at Sam's Club Ribs are washed in the sink I remove the water moisture from the ribs with commercial towels that I got from Sam's Club. Terry Cloth towels are great for absorbing moisture off of spareribs. Once the ribs are dry I apply the dry rub.  Sylvia made a spicy rub from scratch for one slab and I used Mikes Country Store Rub for the other three slabs. Spareribs with the dry rub. I wrap the ribs in tin foil until the smoker is fired up and ready for meat. The smoker is ready with a temperature of about 233 degrees The meat is finally on the grill at 12:30 PM.  dinner is scheduled for 5 PM I am only using about one-third of my top rack for these four slabs of spareribs. Finally, I can serve the ribs along with...

All In all It's Just another Pivet in The Wall

Stop killing the environment around your home. Do you use chemicals on your yard to kill weeds and promote grass growth?  Do you throw news paper and cardboard in the trash?  If you do any of these things and want to help make the earth a better place for all life, consider the methods that  +Sylvia Wormley  is doing in our yard. I worked 17 days straight working on the new ASU Website. So today on my first full day off in a long time I helped my wife continue her work a bed in our front yard that is home to a privacy hedge that boarders our property on the east side.  We are using organic methods to make a nice home for privets that we are moving from places in our yard to form a privacy screen.  I want to do more research as to the specific type of privet that we are planting. Loading up the truck with compost from Lawn Barber in Terrell County, GA Building healthy soil The first layer of the bed is compost.  The second layer is newspa...

Master Bathroom Remodel - Plumbing bypass complete

I have been lamenting about how to tie in the new plumbing for the master bathroom.  I finally got it complete.  I can now start to run water lines into the walls of the bathroom. I started wearing suspenders when I wear my tool belt.  I crawl around a lot on this master bathroom project so I am also wearing knee pads. Framing for plumbing Here is the plumbing bypass.  I have two valves so I can run all of the new plumbing without turning off the main water to the house. I am really getting to like using Pex tubing and a crimper.  I have a large inventory of pipe fittings and tools up in the attic. My day is done and here is what I am leaving for next weekend.

Barbra Streisand is 75

Spotify Honors Barbra Streisand with Play List I started following this playlist at 65 followers.  I have always had a lot of joy listening to Barbra sing.  One of my first compact discs was the Broadway Album. Spotify Playlist for Barbra Streisand I was a courier in Los Angeles a long time ago. I delivered IBM computer parts and Movie and Television industry items. I had a deliver to Barbra's house in Bel Aire one day, but she of course did not answer the door. Someone else signed for the Academy of Motion Picture Arts parcel that was addressed to her.

Life After Cutting The Cable TV

Introduction I often get asked if I have watched a popular TV or Cable show.  My short answer is usually no, I only have Internet access in my home and I stream all of my visual entertainment. Well in this article I am going to reveal my media environment which consist of five applications that I will briefly list below.  First I want to acknowledge  +Noore Ghunaym  who supplied technical information on setting this entertainment environment up and my wife  +Sylvia Wormley  for the inspiration to use technology for fun. NewsDemon The first tier of this system is good old Usenet.  I am using NewsDemon .  If you have been on the Internet before web browsers then you know what Usenet is.  If you do not know, click here . DOGnzb After getting an account on a Usenet provider I had to get an account on an on a Usenet Indexer.  I am using DOGnzb .  If you do not know what a Usenet Indexer is, click here . SABnzbd Aft...

My Kuntry Is Colored

Like everything in my world my music presents itself to me in a tapestry of color.  When I was growing up my mother exposed me to Mahalia Jackson and The Mormon Tabernacle Choir .  When I was a teenager I rebelled and listened to BB King and The Cream .  Now as an adult it is no wonder that my musical taste includes Valerie June and Los Lobos One of the best features that I love about Spotify is the ability to discover new music and to collect music into playlist that fit my personal tastes.  There are times during the day when I really want to listen to some rock and twang.  This My Kuntry playlist hits the spot.  The migration from going up in Southern California listening to The Flying Burrito Brothers, Commander Cody and the Lost Planet Airmen and Crosby Stills Nash and Young was the foundation for me taking to real country music when I moved to Texas.  Now I have the ability to pick and choose the level of twang that I like the ...

Kitchen Soap Dispenser Hack

I was refilling my kitchen soap dispenser the other day and somehow the person doing the work broke the ends of the threaded pipe that the refillable bottle connects.  I did not panic, I just went to Loews to get another one.  I was not surprised to find out that I could only buy a matching blackened copper finish soap dispenser if I bought a complete kitchen facet set. Arrrrgh. So I decided to get a cheap plastic chrome replacement.  Before I opened the box I read the description and it described how you could use the included tubing to bypass the refillable bottle and connect to a large liquid soap bottle.  This would eliminate having to go under the sink every few weeks to refill it.  Instead of keeping the cheap dispenser, I bought some 1/2 inch OD by 3/8 inch ID tubing and fitted my existing dispenser with it.  I cut a 1/2 inch hole in the top of my super size Dawn bottle from Sams club and viola, it works. The bottle of Dawn and my soap dispenser...