Why do artist draw?
This is an age old question. I have asked this of myself several times in my life. I do not believe that I have ever written about this aspect of my life before. I have discussed it with my friends and family a lot. I just finished a drawing that took a month to draw. [caption id="attachment_1231" align="alignleft" width="200"] O Magazine Lancome ad[/caption] I started it on September 10, 2010 and I finished it on October 10, 2010. My Landmark Education training confirmed my belief that life is a game. I like creating games to motivate my life. I have not drawn a picture in about two years so I wanted to kick start my artistic brain with some inspiration. I said that I was going to draw on a picture for one month. Now I need something to draw. Usually I do not have a problem coming up with ideas for a drawing. I am one of those artist that creates art with an improvisational style. I call my type of art Colored Acid Jazz. My brain has always run a...