
Showing posts from November, 2010

RSYNC notes

rsync -avzurl -e --exclude-from='/sys' --rsh='ssh -p 22222' /home/eol/home/eoldevadmin/ rsync -avzurl -e --exclude-from='/sys' --rsh='ssh -p 22222' /home/eol/home/eoldevadmin/ rsync -axvrHgp --delete ssh -p 22222 /

Oh my snake farm bones girl

BeyoncĂ©  from O Magazine L'Oreal ad I finished the latest entry into my series of O magazine inspired drawings.  When I was looking through the September 2010 issue I found this picture and you may find this surprising but I selected it for inspiration before I realized who it was.  I sketched out my basic draft on my illustration board, then I read the ad and much to my surprise it turned out to be BeyoncĂ© . As usual after I started to really draw I have not looked at the image since 10/30/2010 when I started the drawing. Now that I have taken snap shot of my completed drawing you can see how much fun I have making stuff up.  I always have fun drawing and making colors flow into shapes that are curvy and organic. I titled this drawing Snake Farm Bones Girl because I was watching a lot of Bones episodes on NetFlix and I realized that I was drawing the main character, Bones.  The Snake Farm reference comes from a Ray Wiley Hubbard ...

Fedora 14 convert VMWare to KVM

Agave Virtual Machine On Fedora It was the simplest thing that I have done on a Linux box.  I thought it would be real complicated and would not work, boy was I wrong.  It use to be that only macho super geeks could run Linux, now even a cave man can do it, For starters I wanted to take my existing Windows Vista box and convert it to a virtual machine and then run it  on a Linux box.  This seems simple enough but it took me almost two years to do it. Granted there were a lot of technical software changes in the last two years to make this happen on  my existing hardware.  In fact I tried this two years ago and I could not get it to work because of driver issues with the Intel BIOS RAID that was not supported by any Linux distribution at the time. The release of Fedora 14 and Red Hat 6 is what pushed me to try doing this once more. My goal all along was to preserve the landscape design software running on Vista so that my wife...

Fedora 14 and KVM

Finally got a virtual machine running on my aging Intel Core Duo with 4 GB RAM.  This is a swan song for this ASUS P5K deluxe main board.  I had to install an IDE drive to get Linux Grub to load my Intel BIOS 2.3 terabyte RAID 5.  I am debating installing an additional 4 GB RAM to help out with the virtual machines, or just upgrading to a new Intel i7 main board and take advantage of a fore core processor.  For now I am happy to get Red Hat KVM running so that I can experiment with it and compare it to VMware.

Oh my dragon lady

I am drawing another portrait.  I started this drawing on October 30 and I have been posting progress on my FaceBook page .  I started with another picture in Oprah's O magazine for inspiration.  I am doing a series of pictures that are inspired from advertisements in the magazine. Oh my  Little Dragon lady is starting to be the title of this drawing. The series of drawings from the O magazine is Oh my ladies.  It is my style of drawing to give the drawing the power of giving the viewer the calming effect of color as I see it.  I may start with an idea and then see how far down the rabbit hole I go. I want to also reference the Hindu influence that is in my art.  Out of respect for Hindu religious beliefs I am not going to reference it in my art titles, but I am definitely influenced by the art of Hinduism and philosophy of Hinduism. One of my favorite images is of Ganesha , the god of wisdom, prudence, and salvation.  I discovered this image when I was a teen in southern Califor...