Sylvia's dream garden is finally taking shape. You may not know if from the video, but the clearing of the beetle infested trees clears the way for real preparation for installing the irrigation system. Getting the trees removed means that no other heavy equipment will be in areas were plant beds will be located. I am getting excited about the landscaping plans that we have discussed for several years. When I first met Sylvia, I did not know squat about plants of landscaping. Yeah I know how to water and cut grass and I loved bulb flowers, but that was about it. Now after listening to her explain to me about the soil web and plant relationships I am finally getting inspired to build a garden around my home. Large Oak tree in front yard that was dead. Large Oak tree in front yard that was dead. D and D Tree service taking out large trees in our yard. D and D Tree service taking out large trees in our yard. D and D Tree service ta...