
Showing posts from December, 2007

Web Pages for the Masses

I created a Google web page in 2005 to demonstrate how easy it is to create a web page for free. I am an advocate in open source software and I really like what Google has done in this effort. Having access to the Internet for free has always been one of my passions. In Portland Oregon back in 2000 I help found one of the largest free wireless groups in the country. Personal Telco Project is still active today using a logo that I created with my Wacom tablet. So with all of the tools available that are free, why use tools that cost money? Well I use both and I hate to say it but I use the tools that cost money more than the tools that are free. One reason that I use commercial software tools from Adobe and Microsoft is that I make my living using and teaching folks how to use them. When I was unemployed in Portland for two years I used open source tools a lot. During that time I did not have to use commercial tools and I choose to use open source tools. I quickly learned...

Sprint Speed Test at the Lone Worm Ranch in Winchester Texas

I did this test while streaming Sirius radio

Sprint Test at the Midtown RV Park in Austin Texas

I decided to do a Sprint Speed Test of the EDVO network here in Austin at the RV park located on E 7th street. Direct card connettion in laptop

Will Santa Show up in Austin?

Dean the Deer Hunter is at it again. This time he may have bagged one of Santa's drivin' gears. Dean has been very successful at bringing in some winter meat this season. To some it may be easier and cheaper to go down to the local Wal-Mart and get your meat, but there is something to be said about being able to hunt for your food.

Running 21 miles this week

Last night I completed my third day in a row that I ran the I-35 to Mo-Pac loop.  This loop is about 7 miles.