My first half marathon via walking
Today I walked over 13.1 miles which qualifies me to say that I walked a half marathon in just over 3 hours. This is the last walk of the month for me so I wanted to do a special walk. This month I have walked 178 miles. I could not have run this many miles in one month when I was running back in 2008-2009. I feel that my stamina is good and I can walk a full marathon when I have enough time to do it. I learned a lot from my trail running coach and all of the folks that I met on the trails in Austin. I know how to prepare my back pack for a long walk. I live in a part of Albany that has lots of streets that have little or no traffic. These are residential streets with lots of trees and interesting houses to look at. It is in these neighborhoods that I walk every morning and I have let go of the mach ego that I had about not being able to run on trails and accepted the challenge of being a power walker on pavement. As usual the biggest thing that stops me from getting to my goal...