
Showing posts from 2009

Lone Worm Ranch Texas Tea

I have some photos of an oil drilling rig near the ranch. This is a view of the derek This is another view Oil Tanks View from the intersection of wormley Lane and FM 153

Huston-Tillotson University Athletic Web Site

I finally designed a web site for Huston-Tillotson University that I am prod of. It may be the last in-house web design that I will do for HT. Soon the site may be out-sourced to a development company. So this is why I did some screen shots for my blog. [caption id="attachment_1022" align="alignleft" width="400" caption="HT Development Web Site"] [/caption] The site is done using Dot Net Nuke. This is a skin design for DNN 5.3. I started using DNN when I first came to HT back in 2004. At the time the university was using version 2 so I have migrated and grown to love and hate DNN over the last 5 years. I have come to the conclusion that no content management system is fool proof and easy for the end user.[caption id="attachment_1025" align="alignleft" width="400" caption="HT Athletic home page"] [/caption] For the athletic home page I had the requirements to have two menus on the page. The athletic d...

EOL CentOS Server build

I am building a CentOS 5.3 server. Here are my install notes and pictures. I started on Saturday October 17 at 5:00 PM.  Below is a screen shot of the RAID5 configuration. Next is I

Reconsider Columbus Day

OK enough is enough. Reconsider Columbus Day is another campaign to right the wrongs of history. Currently Columbus Day to most folks is really just another day to go to the mall and shop. Here in the US we need to ban all holidays or Holy Days as a matter of separating church and state. If we all can just learn to live for the future and escape our past we will all be happy living in a world free of resentment and pent up anger over history. Why not have everyday be a celebration for humanity? Why not stop creating the wrong history today and start creating the right future now?

Wormley Image Archive is finally back online

I have moved my image archive from the hosted site on Site Ground to my own server.  The Wormley Archive is an experiment on for me learning about web technologies.  I was testing the hosed services on Site Ground to see if it was worth the extra expense of running my own servers.  It took about two years for me to reach the limit of what Site Ground offers.  I knew that I would find the limit to hosted services and I did.  site ground offered unlimited storage so I copied all my 22 GB of images to their servers.  I found out that the unlimited storage did not include muitimedia files and Site Ground consideres JPG files multi media.  I also reached the PHP memory limit on their shared hosted server/  They wanted me to use a private hosted server for more money.  I decided to move my site to my own server. So now the complete personal images that I have taken and some of my close friends and relatives have taken of me and my family are on line.  I will keep them on this server and wil...

An Apache problem that threw me for a loop

I have been installing Apache on servers for a long time, ever since version 1.3 back in 1990.  I have installed Drupal a number of times.  I have never been stumped by not getting a index.php file to work.  I will cut to the chase and tell you that I found the solution here .  The error that I was getting was: (13)Permission denied: access to /index.php denied I could get phpinfo.php to work and index.html to work but not index.php. This is the command that worked. chcon -R -h -t httpd_sys_content_t /var/www/html/ I got the Drupal set up wizard to start.  It took me off and on about three days to find a solution.

6 years of blogging

I started this blog in September 2003.  A lot has changed in my live since then.  I started this blog when I firs got to Texas.

What is broke, the tool or how we use it?

A hammer can hit your thumb just has hard as it can hit a nail.  When it hits your thumb it will hurt.  When it hits a nail it will do some work.

Noir Politics or Black political humor on a Sunday

I normally do not get on polical rants on my personal blog, but here goes.  I posted a few comments about these graphics on my Facebook  page and I thought I would add them to my blog for a more comprehensive commentary on my political views right now. BTW, this is a work in progress. Also just because it is on the Internet does not mean that i t is true.  the Billion Dollor Gram that I have linked in this posting has data that is unverified, but it supports my way of thinking so I am using it in my one sided debate between me and you (if anybody waste time in reading this). When I voted for Obama I really voted for a cool looking  logo. I figure if a candidate takes time to have a good looking logo he has attention to details. Did I get hung up on the real change campaign spin? Real change will never happen with one president, or even with politics. The world will change when each individual changes. Hey there is change every day. On second thought if I change my point of view it is j...

How to update a picture in DNN

In this video I will show how to update a picture in a HTML module. Click here for a larger playback size.

Dot Net Nuke Template Pages

I used Jing for the first time to do some documentation on how to use Dot Net Nuke. Click here for a larger play back.

I love servers

Historical Rant I imagine you have never met a guy like me. I am 57 years old and I grew up as a hippie artist in San Diego. I got involved with computers in the early 1980s in Los Angeles because I wanted to do computer aided design using 3-D mechanical design software. Well, I got side tracked into server administration and database administration and I love it. I found that my brain actually relaxes when I am working on servers and solving problems. I am an IT manager's dream and a family's worst nightmare. I treat servers and their data like children, they are never an after thought they are my priority. I do not write very well or speak very well to some folks. Sarcastic Rant I long for the day when we can read each other minds so I will not have to struggle with my inapt language skills to communicate. Wait, if folks read my mind will I be thinking like a fool to some folks? Oh well at least I will not be wearing out my 6 fingers typing on a keyboard.

Speed Test for Today

My wife was complaining about slow Internet this morning. currently she is streaming a video over our wireless network. I ran a speed test over the same wireless B-G network. [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Speed Test San Marcos, TX to San Diego, CA"] [/caption] [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Speed Test San Marcos, TX to Ashburn, VA"] [/caption] [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Speed Test San Marcos, TX to Portland, OR"] [/caption] [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Speed Test San Marcos, TX to Chicago, IL"] [/caption] [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Speed Test San Marcos, TX to Dallas, TX"] [/caption]

Yet another speed test

I did another speed test at my new house.  I am on my MacBook Pro back in my office about 20 feet from the wireless router.  I have Time Warner Roadrunner Turbo. [caption id="" class="alignright" width="300" caption="537 Wiltshire Drive Speed Test"] [/caption]

Full Circle, doing Apache TomCat again!

What a nit wit, you can not insert a TIFF file into a web page.

Lisa Kudrow's Web Theropy

I am so inspired when I discover something that is new and fresh.  I believe that the web is the new media delivery machine that will eventually replace over the air boradcast of entertainment. I alo really like Lisa Kudrow and I am glad that she is doing some good smart satire.

My home

This is my home. Here is a slide show of 537_Wiltshire Drive.  This is a Perry Home and I love it. Even though Sylvia and I do not have things un-packed nor do we have the home furnished the way that we want we are happy.

I ran today

I ran 6 miles today.  This is the first run since my Bandera 60k run in January.

New Home in Hutto Texas

Finally after two years of searching my wife Sylvia and I moved into our new home on May 1, 2009.  The home is a single story design with an open floor plan.  The home was built by Perry  Homes out of Houston Texas.  We are currently living out of boxes.  When I find my camera cord I'll upload some pictures.

Fooly Cooly Episode 1

Famliy Guy Interview - Star Wars

Long over due web development

I have been revising my web pages.  The Wormley Design  has been re-designed.  I removed the Joomal site which only had one page.  Joomla is over kill for simple sites.  I use Joomla for clients that want to edit their site of for larger community sites.  I have developed a static page site for the Wormley Design site.   I am putting some simple slide shows on the pages.  The slide shows are being developed in Adobe CS4 Encore. I have stayed away from Flash development on my web pages for some time.  I am getting into Flash development because more clients want it on their sites.  I am still focusing my efforts on W3C compliant pages that are simple and easy to read. Flash slide shows also remove the need to have a gallery or another page with a bunch of images for the casual web site visitor. I'm going to finish up this weekend and add some slide shows of my artwork to the LauniArt site

Mac or Windows, or just a computer to do a task.

Today I had my first work day with my MacBook Pro.  I am writing another Blog about my experience using Mac only tools.  The blog is called iMacFool . My department director and network administrator had a lot of fun with trying to figure out why I was using a Mac.  The department director is a Mac user and he scoffed at me using VMware Fusion to put my virtual machine of my old Windows laptop on my Mac.  The network administrator razzed me as a free thinker that does not process in a lineal fashion. So in that moment I relized that what I had been waiting fo was truly in my hands.  I wanted to get a MacBook Pro not because I wanted to run the Mac OS only. I wanted a MacBook Pro because I believe Apple Computer has finally got it right, they have harnessed the Intel processor, good industrial design and BSD with the Apple brand.  I have been waiting to come back to a Mac for 10 years.  I ahve waited for a computer to truly keep up with me and do exactly what I want all on one piece o... is now back to

My experiment with having a design blog and a personal blog has ended.  I do not have enough time to maintain two blogs.  So I have merged my personal blog back to this URL where it was for several years.  The migration was very simple thanks to WordPress. I'll bet the original Screws in my coffee banner back soon. I'll use the for art and nothing else.

Writing blog with Lynx

I am working on this entry using a text base browser called Lynx. I have not used Lynx in a long time. I have never used it to do anything like this before using Lynx. I usually use Lynx at the command line to browse to web sites to download RPM files.

Google ads are gone

I removed the ads from this site today.  I was experimenting with learning how to set them up.  I am going to take a more active role in writing on this site so I do not want the ads for now.

Cedar Park to Austin Bike Commute

I rode my bike into Austin on my inaugural Cedar Park to Austin bike commute.  It was so cold that when I got 3 miles from my house I had to turn around and go back and get my winter gloves.  This morning it was 48 degrees but when I got to 20 MPH my fingers started to hurt.  I had no other problems except that I have the usual sore butt from not riding in 8 months.  That will resolve itself by riding more.

Fitness Goals for 2009

After running 100k (62 miles) on a trail at Bandera Texas I have found a void in my trail running training .  so this weekend I dusted off my bike and on Saturday I rode 10 miles. Today I drove my truck down to the 24 Hour Fitness near UT and rode my bike 23.5 miles back to Cedar Park.  Tomorrow I'll do my first bike commute in 2009. While I was riding back home facing mild head winds I thought about my training goal for 2008 and how I ran 1,100 miles instead of 1,000 miles.  I decided that this year I would plan on running 1,000 miles and riding my bike 2,000 miles.  I have never kept track of my yearly mileage since I moved to Texas.  When I lived in Portland, Oregon I rode 3,000 to 4,000 miles for several years.  Bike commuting is the key for me to do that sort of miles in one year. So I plan on riding my bike a few times a week and running on the weekends and see how I fell. I am glad that I have reduced my weight by 20 pounds and lost several inches off my waist and theigs.  I...

Virtual server

I am planning my next server.  I want to build a server that is optimized for running virtualized computers and large disk storage. I'm using this post to take some notes. With all of this information in one place my goal is for it to help me design my next computer. There is a lot of information about computer parts on the Internet and this is the source of this information. Some of my friends have asked why I build my own computers and I always reply because it is fun and I learn a lot. I rarely document my design process so here is a place to watch how I do it. Intel® Xeon® Processor 7000 Sequence These processors are for servers Processor number? L2 cache L3 cache Clock speed Front side bus System type Power Number of cores 45-nm technology X7460 9MB 16MB 2.66 GHz 1066 MHz MP 130W 6 L7455 9MB 12MB 2.13 GHz 1066 MHz MP 65W 6 L7445 6MB 12MB 2.13 GHz 1066 MHz MP 50W 4 E7450 9MB 12MB 2.40 GHz 1066 MHz MP 90W 6 E7440 6MB 16MB 2.40 GHz 1066 MHz MP 90W 4 E7430 6MB 12MB 2.13 GHz 1066...

Too Much Inside Time

The last two weeks have been spent inside mostly. I have not run during this time. My personal time on weekends has been divided between doing volunteer support for the Rocky Racoon race in Huntsville and fixing my computer. I have not been drawing on Friday either so this month has been quite a change from my routine. I have regained some of the lost abilities by re-building my home server with CentOS. I really like using Linux and I hope that I can keep it as my host operating system. My experiment with using virtual PCs is proving to be very time consuming to set up. I will spend one more day working on completing the project. My beta test with a small Vista virtual PC was successful. My goal was to see if I could build a Vista box and then have access to it using remote desktop from Sylvia's computer. I completed this test last night. Now I will build a production virtual PC tomorrow and she will use it to work on her landscape projects. This weekend I wil...

Linux and RAID5, lessons learned

After a long absence from the Linux community I am disappointed about the lack of support for easy RAID5 in Ubuntu (Debian). I spent about 3 days trying to get RAID 5 to work under Ubuntu with my onboard Fake Raid controller from Intel.  What I learned is that my next purchase will be a real hardware based RAID controller from 3Ware .  I have avoided these add on controlers because of the cost, and now I realize that they are worth it.  I added RAID card into a client's computer about a month ago and installed Windows XP on it without any problems.  The 3Ware cards are supported in all OSs including Linux and Vista. I am installing CentOs 5 (RedHat clone) using software RAID.  This is what I had on the computer yease ago.  I say this is the same computer, but in reality the only thing that is original is the Antec Tower case and fans.  I had to compromise and put the boot partition on a single drive because I did not hade a drive to do a RAID1 configuration.  I will regret thsi in ...

My home computer will be a Linux box again

About two weeks ago my last disk died in my RAID5 on my home computer.  I originally built the computer when I lived in Portland Oregon in 2002.  I started out with three Western Digital 80 GB hard drives in a software RAID5 running Mandrake Linux. The first upgrade was a new main board and three 160 GB drives and Windows XP.  I did this upgrade in 2006 and kept the case.  The third upgrade was a new Dual Core main board 1000 watt power supply and Vista.  I kept the three 160 GB drives.  In 2008 two 160gb drives failed and hte last one fialed in January 2009.  When the first two drives failed I replaced them with 500 GB drives.  Drives have become really cheap now days. Now I am rebuilding the computer again.  I have removed all of the 160 GB drives and two 80 GB drives.  I decided that I want to go back to a Linux OS on the computer and use a virtual computer software to run Windows.  I will use VMware or something else to get Windows Vista to work. I am downloading Ubuntu and I will ...

I am watching Craig

I like watching Craig Furguson on the Late Late Show.  When I can not stay up late I watch the recordings that are on my computer.  I enjoy his sense of humor and the crazy way he slaps the TV camera during his monologue.  Thsi episode he has some hand puppets that are singing.

Fox News does it again

What will the Republicans do now?  After 8 years of saying that if you do not support the president you are not an American are they going to be un-American now and not support the President of The United States? Comedy Central - The Daily Show    The Daily Show With Jon Stewart M - Th 11p / 10c Fox News Fear Imbalance Barack Obama Interview John McCain Interview Sarah Palin Video Funny Election Video

Bandera 2009 100 K

Setting my goal I ran my first Ultra Marathon 100k (62.14 mile) Endurance Trail Run this past Saturday January 10, 2009.  My goal that I set in August was to run 100k at Bandera.  At the time the longest distance that I had run was 14 miles around LBJ Lake in Austin.  I did not have any idea how to prepare for running 100k, but I trusted my coach Robert Heynen when he said, if you do the work you will do the 100k. Human interaction required There are a lot of things that you can learn from books and on the Internet, trail running is not one of this things. I have taught myself a lot of skills from reading books and the Internet.  I learned HTML and how to manage a Linux server by reading.  There comes a time when you want to learn something that is bigger than you can grasp and that is when you need a coach or a mentor. My coach, Robert Heynen, is like a tribal elder.  He is passing on a skill using words and real time experience to teach successful trail running.   The art of trail ...